The Most Effective, long-lasting warm weather Professional Deer Repellent

With DeerPro™ Spring & Summer, you will enjoy their gardens, without having to reapply deer repellent after every rain storm.

DeerPro™ Repellent for Spring & Summer provides long-lasting professional strength protection for the growing season.

DeerPro Spring & Summer is specially designed for the commercial applicator. Unlike most deer repellents, DeerPro is EPA approved. It is an egg-based deterrent spray designed for long-lasting, low-smell protection. Each application provides four to six weeks of protection that is not degraded by rain or irrigation and delivers what others only promise: Reliable, long-lasting, professional strength protection.

No offensive smell

DeerPro Spring & Summer gives a lightly discernible odor, yet protects treated plants as well as the new growth, while not being offensive to the homeowner.

Safe for you and the environment

It can be applied using a backpack or low pressure tank sprayer. DeerPro Spring & Summer is sold as a concentrate. The applicator simply adds water. DeerPro is EPA approved and is safe for both the applicator and the environment.

Invisible protection means gardens look great

DeerPro Spring & Summer’s advanced sticking agent dries clear. It not only protects plants from deer, it helps to hold moisture in the plant, reducing the need for water, and increasing drought resistance during the hot summer months.

Contact All County Pest Control to schedule your service today!

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