All County Pest Control has proudly served Dutchess County and other counties in the area since 1963. During our history, we have helped local residents with every type of pest found in New York. Some of the most stubborn and troublesome insects that we deal with include ants, termites, and cockroaches. 

Ants and Cockroaches

As if their mere presence wasn’t annoying enough, invading roaches and ants can make people severely ill. They do so by crawling around on filthy surfaces such as used cutting boards and kitchen floors. When the insects infest food found around a home or office, they spread any contaminants that they pick up from these surfaces to the food. These contaminants include dangerous bacteria such as salmonella and E. coli. 


Termites are typically not aggressive toward humans, but a large enough colony can chew through much of a building’s wooden framework in a matter of months or even weeks. The species of termite found in New York is called the eastern subterranean termite. Eastern subterranean termite queens can lay more than 2,000 eggs per day, and the average colony contains around 300,000 workers. If conditions are favorable, termites will likely continue to feed on a building until they are exterminated.

Contact All County Pest Control

If you need to get rid of ants, cockroaches, termites, or any other pest, call All County today for a free quote. No infestation is too severe for our expert technicians, and we use the most advanced technology and techniques available. Once we develop a personalized treatment plan for your property, your pest problems will be over in no time.

Contact All County Pest Control to schedule your service today!

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